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LAD #39: Brown V. Board of Education

When Linda Brown and her father, Oliver Brown, asked the NAACP for help in  enrolling Linda in a nearby white elementary school, the social norm was about to be drastically changed. Black parents and the NAACP eagerly joined Brown to rule out segregation of public schools in Topeka, Kansas, and at court, the NAACP fervently argued that separate facilities were completely unequal and unjust. Overturned because of the rulings of Plessy v. Ferguson, the NAACP appealed to the Supreme Court, which eventually ruled for Linda, forcing all public schools to be desegregated immediately. brown v board of eduction

Últimas entradas

LAD #36: FDR’s Declaration of War

LAD #38: Truman Doctrine

LAD #37: FDR’s Executive Order 9066

LAD/Blog #35: Home was a Horse Stall

LAD/Blog #34: FDR's First Inaugural

LAD/Blog #33: Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact

LAD/Blog #32: Wilson's 14 Points of Peace

LAD/Blog #31: Schenck V. United States

LAD/Blog #30: Wilson's First Inaugural

LAD/Blog #29: Clayton Anti-Trust Act