LADs/Blogs #20 & 21

Lincoln's second inaugural address was short and to the point. He said the war was happening because parties could not get along with each other, and he did not have any news he was withholding from the public about the ongoing wars. He talks about how god has the final say in this war, and slavery was a major issue that caused this. He wants to wait till the war ends and stand by the nation till then.
Lincoln's address

President Roosevelt's address was also given during war time
The emancipation proclamation was a very important thing as it declared African Americans free people. There were two regions this did not apply to, some parts of Virginia and Louisiana. This was very important as it finally stated African Americans free in the majority of the south and they were to be respected and treated as humans from this point forth.
Sojourner Truth was very outspoken and helped achieve this goal

emancipation proclamation


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