Blog #4: Rethinking the Revolution

1.  Not only did soldiers die in the revolutionary war, but civilians back home ended up dying once the soldiers came back. They died since the soldiers that came back sometimes brought disease and the entire town was at risk to catch it. A lot of innocent civilians died of disease.

2. The American revolution was thought of as less bloody than the civil war. It had 6 times less casualties than the civil war. Even though it had less casualties, they were still confronted with horrible scenarios that no soldier should have to go through, like stealing clothes off enemies.

3. George Washington was self conscious about his writing style. He would go to his previous writings to change the grammar or style. He wanted to look smarter/ more educated, and leave a better legacy in his name.

4. John Adams played a big part in the revolution. He thought he would not be remembered, but in the contrary he is not forgotten.

5. Many soldiers were not properly suited. They were lacking in clothing, and many of them didn't have shoes. This was especially hard during winter when temperatures were very cold.
Revolutionary War

Civil War


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