LAD/Blog #6: Federalist Paper #10

What is a faction ?
A faction was a number of people that were united or connected for a cause. They advocate for the same problems or issues within a community. Factions are inevitable and will always occur as people have different opinions than each other.

Are factions good or bad ?
Factions are bad. They are bad because they will strongly advocate for their opinions even if it hurts other people. This can be dangerous and can cause a lot of deaths. They create many issues within communities that Madison wanted to solve. He wanted to create a republic to protect the people from factions.

Why are factions so difficult to eliminate ?
They are difficult to remove because that would destroying liberty. Everybody has the right to have their separate opinions. They would be violating the rights of the people if they were to eliminate factions. Factions can be controlled but not prevented.

If factions cannot be removed then how can they be controlled?
republican flag
They can be controlled by getting rid of of freedoms that will make the faction unable to apply. This can be done by forming a republic government where most of the population can vote.
federalists papers


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